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Newborn Twins Surgery Doctor 6.4
Mobile Games Media
Hi, welcome! You will really like this gamefor children, you will have fun with us very well. We are sure thatthrough this baby care game you will make new friends. Every dayyou can test the most important skills you and to your family youcan prove that you are a responsible child. Here, in this game forgirls, you'll be able to have the most important role, and you'llbe a good doctor that will help a woman to know her twins. She ispregnant and will soon she will give born, she is very nervous butknows that your help will make her to feel better. She wants tobecome your friend. This girls game will give you exactly what youneed in this beautiful day and you'll be certain to win the awardfor the best doctor.Every day in our clinic many children are born and certainly fromnow you'll be the doctor who makes all these things cometrue.If you want this mission to have a happy ending will have to payattention to every detail of this game.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- Our friend is at home;- She is lonely and needs help;- Now she wants to eat;- Give her some sweets, fruit and milk;- Help her to pack everything she needs;- She started to feel sick and she has to go to hospital;- Now you can consult her;- Check heartbeat;- Check if the young has a fever;- Make anesthesia;- The children were born;- Now you have to wash them;- Change the diaper;- Give them some milk and fresh fruit juices;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Dish Wash And Cleaning 8.7
Mobile Games Media
Hey how are you? Today you will have fun withus, starting today we'll be best friends. Every day you can visitus and if you want you can help us. Surely you noticed how yourmother is cleaning every day, she has to wake up early to preparebreakfast and then to clean. She certainly needs help and you canhelp her whenever you can. You clean your room every day but todaythrough this game you'll be able to prove to everyone that you area child who is very diligent and who can help parents and a childwho can handle herself on a picnic in the forest. We really needyou because today our kid is home alone and he must make his hometo look great. Last night at dinner came to us a few friends and wehave many washing dishes but the most important thing is that youneed to help him to go to a picnic. he will go on a picnic andthere he will need to wash the dishes and to clean. If you want tohelp us you should know that you'll get everything you need.You should know that this picnic game offers a few guidelines thatcan help you to take the mission to end.Pay attention to all the details of the game and surely you'll beable to prove to all that you have more skills.Good luck!- For the beginning you have to know our friend;- This is the only home and desperately needs help;- The little girl wants to prepare two food baskets;- Help her to pack all;- She wants to go on a picnic with her friend squirrel;- Help them to eat;- They ate and now you have to clean;- Wash the tablecloth;- Eliminates bacteria;- Wash dishes with a suitable detergent;- Rinse with warm water;- Clean water with a towel;- Squirrel wants to wash dishes, you have to help her;- You have to prepare a special glue because you have to fix a fewdishes;- Arrange all the dishes in the kitchen cupboard;- You did a good job, you are a very hardworking and resourcefulchild.Thank you for helping, please come back daily through this gamecleaned.Have fun!
Pregnant Mom Salon Spa Games 6.7.2
Mobile Games Media
Hi, how are you? today we want to have funwith us through this game for girls. Do you want to be our friendstarting today? If you want to play with us then definitely you'reexactly where it should. This game is very beautiful becausethrough it you'll be able to meet a beautiful mother who needs torelax today. She needs a friend and we know that you are theperfect person. Surely you will love to be the owner of a beautyspa and in that way you can learn a few tricks of beauty andrelaxation.To be able to help her you need to pay attention to details.Follow all instructions of this makeup game for girls.Good luck!- At the beginning of treatment you will have to take care ofher hands;- Wash hands with soap;- Apply a moisturizer;- Then you have to give her nails with nail polish;- Apply a colored nail polish;- Now you have to do a facial treatment;- Must apply an exfoliating gel that will cleanse the skin verywell;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Eliminate acne;- Now you have to makeup her;- Apply: eyeshadow, lipstick, contact lenses, mascara and powderfor cheeks;- Now you must choose the most beautiful clothes;- Our friend is very happy, you are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help ourfriend.Have fun!
Barber Shaving Beard Salon 5.5
Mobile Games Media
Hey, we all want to look good. We all want toimpress by our physique and to always look good. For example womenwho want a new hairstyle go to a beauty salon where they receivewhat they want and men want to have shorter hair go to the barbershop. There are many places where we can get everything we want interms of physical appearance. Today, through this kids game, you'llbe able to work in a beauty salon. You have an important role tohelp the one our friend to prepare for a party. He has greatconfidence in you, he knows that you will do everything that youneed for the result to be the one that we expected. This beautygame for your kids you really like, you can test your skills andeven make new friends. Every day you can help us, you can have funwith us and through this game for boys you will be able to prove toeveryone that you are a responsible child. You'll enjoy to see yourhappy customer and surely this game will help you test yourskills.Follow all instructions of this beard salon game.Good luck!- Our friend is sleeping;- You'll have to wake up him;- Victor wants to read and while reading the newspaper he knowsabout an offer at a beauty salon;- Now he decides to go to the salon;- Young reached salon;- He wants to relax and t look good at the end;- Wash the beard;- Use a shampoo;- Rinse with warm water;- Wash her hair with shampoo for dry hair;- Comb the hair;- Now you have to cut the hair and beard;- Use shaving foam;- Apply an aftershave;- Treat wounds on the face;- Apply a special ointment;- Apply patches;- Use ice for the pain;- Now you must choose the most beautiful clothes;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- Our friend will receive a gift from the salon employees;- The customer is very happy, you did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back daily through this game forkids.Have fun!
Pregnant Bride Medical Exam 5.1.2
Mobile Games Media
Hi all girls dream of the day when they becomebrides, the day that will go to the altar to see the boy that theylove. A very important point is the arrival of a child into theworld. If the two events occur at a short distance is even agreater happiness. Today through this kids game you will have funwith us taking care of our beautiful friend but and her baby. Youhave to prove to everyone that you are a good child with manyabilities. We are sure that you will be able to do everything weneed for our friend to meet her child and you will help her to havethe most beautiful wedding.This game for girls is exactly what you need in this day and pleasepay attention to all details.Follow all instructions of the game to care for children.Good luck!- Eric and Jenny were married recently and now they are in thehoneymoon;- Jenny feels bad and Eric believes that she is pregnant;- Suspicions prove to be true;- For nine months they care for their baby to be born healthy andbeautiful;- You will have to help Jenny to meet their child;- You will need to consult her;- Check if the girl has fever;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Check weight and height- Check if the child has fever;- Check heartbeat;- Give him milk;- Change the diaper;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you are a responsible child.Thank you for help, you are the best friend of ours and pleasecome back daily to help us through this game for girls.Have fun!
Hearts Kissing Games 12.3
Mobile Games Media
Hi, how well you came! We are enthusiasticabout the story of this game for girls. Here everything isspectacular, the story is very beautiful and interesting. Theprotagonists are two young lovers, they have a great relationshipand want to go out on a date. They need your help because they donot want people to see them when they kiss. Their love should bekept away from the world and we are sure that your help is veryimportant. We know you're a great friend and for this reason weappeal to your help, we want you to be careful when two lovers kissand want to help them hide. Jack and Anna have a long secretrelationship and meet every day at school or in the park. Every daythey want to go to the park to stroll and today you'll be able togo with them. Through this kissing game you will be able to useyour attention.Follow all instructions and pay attention to detail.- In the beginning you will notice school;- Here are two young students;- They are in the school yard and they need from you to tell themwhen someone is aproching.- If you fail to observe you have to replay the game;- After leaving school yard they go to the park;- They believe it is the perfect place to kiss but here arepeople;- You'll have to be careful and inform them when someone iscoming;- They arrived on the beach here is very nice;- The two young men playing in the water;- Then they want to stay at the beach to tan;- You have to give the lotion to protect against the sun;- When they want to kiss you have to be attentive to all the peopleon the beach;- Jack asks Anna to be his wife;- She now accepts and wants the prettiest dress;- The wedding day had arrived;- You have to makeup Anna and to help her dress;- It needs the most exciting accessories;- At the wedding the two want to kiss and you have to be careful atall, nobody should see them;- The couple is very happy;- They had a beautiful wedding;- You are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this gamewith brides.Have fun!
Fairy Love Story Girls Games 8.4.1
Mobile Games Media
Breana and Loren are really in love and loveeach other very much. But they fought so sorry it last days and nowBreana trying to fix this, but also Loren wants it. In this gameyou must help the two come to terms and be the happiest couple.First you have to help the plant a few trees Breana his Loren, andthen help him to pick some fruit Loren to her his girlfriendBreana. Then they want to kiss, but are bothered by creatures intheir area. You must take care of these creatures and help the twoto kiss. Then Breana Loren wants to impress his family, so itserves a very tasty dish. After that you have to decorate a roomshow to attach more decorations for this room will appear Lorenwith his girlfriend Breana and will tell everyone that theirrelationship still continues very much in love. Thank you forchoosing this game and invite you to choose and other fairy gamesand games for girls in this developer to see if you're doing aswell as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Fairy Flower Girls Games 7.8.2
Mobile Games Media
Our Fairy has began to fly over the gardenwhen suddenly noticed that one area of the garden have no flowersand there is no gardener around to handle this job. In this gameyou have to help the fairy to plant some flowers in the empty spacein her garden to be the most beautiful flower garden that you sawbefore. Must help the fairy to buy items needed to plant a flowergarden and cover all with a special place. First you have to helpthe fairy to buy a wand, a broom, a spray device, a solution toflowers and less land. In the next level you have to help clean upthe entire area without flowers, so you can plant and growbeautiful as well. You need to clean all traces of water left topick leaves and flowers before. In the next level you must plantflowers. To do this you have to dig a hole, put the seeds in it,and then to water flowers with a special solution to help them growfaster. Thank you for choosing this game with fairies and pleasetry other games for girls from our developer to test your skills.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Fashion Care Makeover Games 8.5.3
Mobile Games Media
My girlfriend is very sensitive but at thesame time very demanding. She has to go to a very important meetingand need to makeup, to dress and embellish his face. She came toour room but today all employees are free, and we must do so as toarrange my friend. We need to find someone quickly because we donot want to wait, and you're the best person to do this. In thisgame you have to take care of our friend, and have to do everythingshe will ask.1) First you have to put a background song to us easier.2) then must apply a layer of cream on the face to remove dirt,then we wash easily.3) still have to eliminate them all blackheads and pimples on theface using a special tool.4) then must apply two coats of cream on the face and eyes toregenerate the skin and make it feel better.5) after I finished with makeup, you must help her to dress and puttheir accessories.6) have to choose a pair of earrings, a crown, a bracelet, a ringand a necklace very beautiful.7) after finishing accessories have to choose a dress or a skirt soas to match the chosen accessories.Our beautiful girlfriend now and rushes to get to this meeting.Thanks you agreed to help us beautify the ladies, and please tryother games for girls in this developer.Good luck!
Crazy Girls Pool Party 5.4
Mobile Games Media
Hi, we're happy because you chose to relaxwith us through this game for girls. If you're looking for a superfun game here you have a beautiful surprise, you can have fun at apool party. Everyone likes to go to the pool but a pool party isperfect, everything is great here. Today you are our guest to anunforgettable party, Ana decided to prepare a pool party and tomake everything wonderful desperately needs you. Do you want tohelp her? If you want to help her to have a perfect day you'll beable to do this only through this party pool game. You will likevery much what we have prepared for you, we are sure that you willinvite your friends to have fun with you through this game just forkids. Girls are happy that you have decided to help them.This game gives you the opportunity to test many abilities, you'llbe able to prove to everyone that you are a good friend.If you want the game to have a nice final you will have to followall instructions of the game.Good luck!- It is a wonderful day, a day pefect for a pool party;- First you have to help the girls to clean;- Clean the pool;- Collect garbage;- Arrange lounge chairs;- Arrange umbrella;- Now you have to help girls prepare for the party;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Choose the most interesting swimwear;- Do not forget the accessories;- Girls need to have in their bag: suntan cream, hat, lip balm anda towel;- Girls are ready for the party;- You'll have to choose a suitable music;- Help the girls to prepare the most delicious and refreshingdrinks;- Decorate all drinks using fruit;- Everything looks great;- Decorate the place;- Choose the most beautiful flowers;- You did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Princess Pool Party 5.3
Mobile Games Media
Hello, you definitely read many stories andknow much about princesses. They are beautiful, intelligent, goodand even courageous. If you like stories with princesses you'll behappy to know that here, in this pool party game for girls you'llbe able to know more princesses. They want to become your friends,and more than that they want to invite you to a party at the pool.In thismakeup salon game for girls you have a very important role,you have to help a young princess to organize the most beautifulpool party in the kingdom. It wants to invite all friends to theparty and therefore has much to do. She really needs your help andwe trust in you. A party requires more work and creation.If you're a creative child will definitely decorate very beautifularea where the party will take place.Do not forget to make the pool to look very good.- The girls want to look good to the party;- You will have to apply makeup, apply: contact lenses, eye shadow,lipstick, mascara, eyebrow pencil and powder for the cheeks;- Then you have to choose the most suitable clothes for poolparties;- Choose a nice and colorful swimsuit;- Do not forget the accessories, sunglasses and hat, these are themost important;- A princess must look good and therefore needs the most excitingjewelry;- You have to do cleaning at the pool;- Collect garbage;- Clean water;- Wash sandstone;- Decorate with flowers;- Do not forget umbrellas;- The water looks very good;- Girls are happy because they look good;- Princesses want to eat;- You will have to prepare the most delicious fruit salads;- Do not forget to make orange juice;- Choose an appropriate music;- Arrange the lounge chairs;- You are a very good organizer party.Please come back every day through this makeup game withprincesses.Have fun!
Mother Feeding and Care Baby 10.1
Mobile Games Media
My mother is very attentive and has very goodcare of my sister. The whole family went on a trip less my motherwho has to stay home with my sister and take care of it because hecan not leave home alone. We need to help my mother make necessarypurchases and take care of the baby. We need to find someone to dothis because we leave and we can not help. In this game, you haveto be the person who would help my mother, and have to doeverything she will ask and everything you will need.1) First you have to go by car to the store to buy food.2) then you must enter the store and go to the district offruit.3) you must put Cart following fruits: watermelon, peppers, lemons,bananas, strawberries, tomatoes and pineapple.4) then we have to take a glass and put it under a mixer, in whichwe take a drink of strawberries, bananas and milk.5) still have to serve it with bananas, then we need to get donebefore the juice.6) then she must manage the child a bowl of cereal and a glass ofwater.7) must take the baby to sit with him in bed so we can play withhim.Thanks you agreed to help my mother because they could not dowithout you. We invite you to choose and other games for girls fromthis developer.Good luck!
Fast Ambulance Games for Girls 8.8.2
Mobile Games Media
Maggie was riding when I suddenly noticed avery dear her. By looking at the person, lost control of thebicycle, fell and hit. Now he needs a doctor to treat wounds and noone is in the area to help. In this game you have to be the doctorwho will treat Maggie, and will do so in the brightest and fastestambulance. First he must manage blood because pretty much lostafter the fall, we must check the pulse, his heart rate and tomeasure oxygen. Next must removes all the thorns that have enteredthe body, and to manage some peaks in the eye. Then he has to cleanthe skin, he erases all the blood and apply several layers of creamto moisturize the skin. Still need to check its reflexes then wewill look to see if it has some fractures States. We need tobandaging hand and foot, and then we see that Maggie is muchhappier and feels much better. Thank you for choosing thisambulance game and please try other games for girls from thisdeveloper to test your skills in care games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Fairy Mommy Gives Birth 10.3
Mobile Games Media
Hi There. In the world of fairies andprincesses, everything is like us. And they must eat, and they needto defecate, and they give birth to other beautiful fairies just aspeople give birth to babies. In this game you have to give ahelping hand to the doctor who will operate on a beautiful fairybecause you have to give birth and needs support from you. Pleasehelp him better and to do everything you will ask, because we areconvinced that you get a good job and fairy is born safely.1) before going to the hospital have to give mother'sfood.2) then you need to come in and carriage to go to thehospital.3) the hospital have to give the best treatment, so we bring inspecial room.4) check her heartbeat, pulse and heart rate.5) manages him a teaspoon of sipop then need to take anultrasound.6) after the baby was born have to go in his room.7) must check its health too.8) The child has gone home.9) We need to bathe the baby to be clean.Thanks you agreed to help us through this game, and we inviteyou to choose and other games for girls belonging to thedeveloper.Good luck!
Hospital Birth Salon 9.6.3
Mobile Games Media
Kathy is my girlfriend a few weeks ago came tothe doctor to schedule it at birth because she is pregnant and thebaby's birth approaches. The doctor told him to come today becausehe has a day off, but there is a problem, all nurses are busy withother things the doctor and other births and should we help thedoctor to succeed this birth. In this game, you have to be theperson who will help the doctor and that will give everything heasks. We trust you and know that you're doing great so wish yousuccess.1) First you have to check his pulse, to take his blood and tocheck body temperature.2) then need to take an x-ray belly to see what state is yourbaby.3) she will administer treatment, namely an injection will you doto feel better.4) after the baby was born she must put a diaper and get him inward for children.5) in this hall we will find weight and height, to know if it's anormal baby.6) still need to make them a bath, ie after you wash your hairyou'll wipe with a dry towel.7) have put him in a blanket to stay warm and take him to hismother in order to enjoy this baby.Kathy feels good now and thanks you very much for you agreed tohelp the doctor in this birth. You can try other games for girls inthis developer because we know that you're doing well and you likewhat you do.
Pregnant Mom Ambulance Doctor 6.5
Mobile Games Media
Hi, how are you? Want to have fun with us? Ifyou want to relax with us you will definitely have a successfulday. Through this game for girls you'll have the opportunity totest some skills. You'll be able to prove to all that you can be agood friend and we must not forget and that will prove that you area child of the who may become liable for help in a criticalsituation. With this game you will meet our friend you will knowthat soon she will become mother. This is home alone and you haveto go to help her with everything she needs. The best thing wouldbe to pay attention to all the details because this mission isspecial. In your hands is the life of a child, today you will bethe doctor who will help him be born.Follow all instructions of the game.Good luck!- Our friend was in the park and there was an accident, fell andnow feels bad;- You have to call an ambulance;- On the way to the hospital you'll have to remove the thorns ofarms;- Disinfect wounds;- Apply a cream that helps skin look better;- You can begin consultation;- Check heartbeat;- Check blood pressure;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- You have to check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Now you have to wash her baby;- Change the diaper;- Give him milk;- If he cries you must give him a toy;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good.Thank you for what you did for us, please come back to help usthrough this game.Have fun!
italian pizza cooking games 7.7.1
Mobile Games Media
One of the things that make Italy so specialis the food. And the best Italian food is pizza. In this game youhave to make a very good and very tasty pizza, Italian food, getmore people to our restaurant. First you have to prepare all theingredients for cooking a pizza. You need to add flour, water,salt, olive oil, and a few eggs in a bowl to prepare the pizzadough. You need to mix the ingredients and then put them on thetable and give shape pizza dough. Next we need to add tomato sauce,milk and sugar in a bowl to prepare pizza sauce. Then we have toput the sauce over the dough, then we add mozzarella, salami, eggs,ham and a little cheese. Then you must decorate the pizza, so we'lladd some spices on it, we change the plate, we choose some cutlery,and we change the face of mass. Thank you for choosing this gameand invite you to choose and other pizza games, cooking games,games of this developer to see if you're doing as well as you didbefore.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Newborn Baby Care 7.7.2
Mobile Games Media
Today, parents have gone to a store to buy hersome toys Micun Joanna and she was alone at home. Have someone sitwith her and watch her cry more because you think it will not feelvery well. First you have to make them see a doctor to see if itfeels good and if everything is okay. We need to check the pulse,we take its temperature, to check its weight and make them acardiograph test. Then you must make them a baby bath, so we willput some shampoo and we will rinse well, then we'll wipe with a drytowel. Then we feed because I got hungry and started crying. We'llfeed on food left by her parents before leaving. Thank you fortaking care of Joanna and that you have chosen this game, but weinvite you to choose and other games for girls in this developer tosee if you're doing as well as before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Princess Birth Newborn Baby 10.6
Mobile Games Media
Stacy is a beautiful princess who must givebirth to a beautiful baby. It does not feel very good because ithas pain, but trying to keep up with the rest of princesses andprinces rest. Stacy have to take care of it will go to the hospitaland we have to stay to take care of the palace. In this game youhave to be medical advice because his nurse is ill and left alonethese days.1) First you have to manage them some tablets then we will checkyour pulse.2) then have to give the baby food to feel better.3) you have to play with the baby because it is small and must growas well.4) to bring this baby into the palace must dress appropriately.Choose a suitable clothing for baby and dress him to be taken tothe palace.Stacy is very happy because it has a beautiful and healthylittle girl. Dr thanks you because you were with him because hecould not do this without your help.Have fun!
Newborn Laundry Baby Games 6.5
Mobile Games Media
Hello, you're here just when we need you, ourfriend Corina recently gave birth to a boy very nice and healthy.She has a lot of work and fails to do what must, therefore sheneeds a friend who can help her. Do you want to help Corina to carefor her child? If you want to help you can do it through this gameto care for babies. We are sure that you will like this game forgirls and you will have nice. You'll be able to prove your familythat you are a responsible child who can take care of achild.To complete this mission you have to pay attention todetails.Follow all instructions of this game washing.Good luck!- Arrange things in the closet;- The child is in cart, you'll have to give him some water andfavorite toys;- Now you have to sort the laundry that should be washed;- You have to choose clothes of the mother and put them in abasket;- Enter detergent in the washing machine;- Start the washing machine and wait a few minutes until finishwashing;- Now you have to stretch the laundry to dry on a wire;- To get the laundry you will have to prove you're fast;- You have to iron the clothes and put them in the closet;- Mother dresses require great attention;- You did a great job;- Mother and child clothes are arranged and they can useanytime;- You are a very industrious child.Thank you for help, please come back to help us through thisgame.Have fun
Newborn Baby First Steps 10.3
Mobile Games Media
Hi. All teenagers love to take care ofchildren, play with them and to spend more time with them. Now youhave the opportunity to help a baby, but before you have to takecare of his mother then you get to the baby. In this game, you willbe the person who will be with his mother until birth, then youhave to help the little boy to go and do other things. Good luck!1) First you have to give your mother's food.2) must go to the hospital to do an inspection ii.3) before starting surgery, you'll make treatment.4) the child was born, it is very beautiful and healthy.5) should check height and weight of the child.6) you will bring the two home, and you look after the child.7) you have to give food.8) you will help to walk, and collect all the toys.9) Now you will wear and you expect the arrival of his father.Thank you for choosing this wonderful game, and we invite you tochoose and other games for girls in this developer and please comeback every day to help us through this game.Have fun!
grilled salmon cooking games 8.2.1
Mobile Games Media
In this game you have to prepare a fried fishwith a few added ingredients to get a better taste. You must enjoythis day because you will learn to cook a new dish, and you have avery beautiful landscape. First you have to clean the table onwhich we will work to remove all the leaves and wash well. Then youmust arrange all ingredients on the shelf, so you can get easierwhen we need them. After that you have to mix a few ingredients toprepare the sauce. You must mix the onion, garlic, salt, Pieper,olive oil, tomato sauce, Vani extract, brown sugar and less red.After that you have to mix all the ingredients to form thedressing. Then we have to take the fish, add the sauce over it andtuck it in the fridge for a few minutes. Then we remove the fishand put it on the fire to fry very well. After the fish fry musttake a range and put two pieces on a plate. The fish is ready, butwe can not serve it. We need to add a few decorations to look muchbetter. We need to add tomatoes, onions, garlic, oranges, peppers,and a drink near the plate. Thank you for choosing this game andinvite you to choose and other cooking games and games of thisdeveloper to see if you're doing as well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mommy Newborn Baby Games 5.5
Mobile Games Media
Hi,it is a wonderful day and not because it issunny and we can walk in the park but it is a beautiful day becausetoday our friend Veronica will give birth to a beautiful baby butshe is home alone and she needs the help of friends. do you want tohelp her? Do you want to prove that you are a child who can lead toan end a difficult mission? If you want to test your skills youwill can do this through this baby care game, we are sure that itis exactly what you need. You will have fun at the same time verywell and you feel proud that you helped a child to meet his mother.With this game you'll make your family proud.The details are very important and therefore please becareful.Veronica is a young sensitive and you will have to respect herwishes.Please follow all instructions in this game for girls.Good luck!- You'll meet Veronica, she wants to eat, you have to helpher;- Give her milk and fruits;- Choose the most suitable clothes;- Now you have to help her to wash;- Help her to brush her teeth;- You can begin the consultation;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Check if she has fever;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- You will need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Give him milk;- Change the diaper;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- You have to let him listen to music;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us through thisgame.Have fun!
Princess At Doctor Games 7.7.2
Mobile Games Media
Tomorrow is the day Princess Rochelle gettingengaged to her boyfriend, so it's a very important day. She rushedthese days to be able to prepare as nice, but slipped on the stairsand hurt a lot. Unfortunately engagement is over a few days and noone can heal so fast. In this game you are royal family doctor andhave to help the princess to get better and give it the besttreatment. For starters must apply some layers of cream on yourface to clean and to disinfect skin complexion. Then you must cleana wound on her hand to apply a layer of solution and to put abandage after. Next We need to measure the temperature, to checkits pulse and to an injection of anti-inflammatory. Then he mustdisinfect a wound in the neck, to clean the blood and apply a layerof cream and then we cover it with a bandage. We notice that ourprincess is feeling much better and is ready for her engagement.Thank you for choosing this princess game and try other games forgirls in this category to see if you can handle as well.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mommy Newborn Home Care 8.4
Mobile Games Media
Hi, how are you? Are you happy because todayyou will be able to play with us? Do you think you can have funwith us through this game for girls? If you think this game canmake you more beautiful day then please invite your friends here toplay this game. You can play together and surely you will make newfriends. Today, through this game with babies will be able to helpus take care of our friend. She is pregnant and soon she would givebirth, young needs your help because she wants to know her baby.We're sure you'll do very well prove to everyone that you are aresponsible child who has many skills.If you want to finish this mission will have to be very attentiveto every detail of this game for children.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- In the beginning you will know our beautiful friend;- She is happy because she will get your help;- In the beginning you have to help our friend feel better;- She has an irritation;- Give her a proper treatment;- You will then need to consult because her because she will givebirth;- Check heartbeat;- Check if younger has fever;- If she has pain you will have to give a special syrup;- Make ultrasound to see how it feels the child;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- You will need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Check the weight and height;- Now you have to give her baby food;- He wants to drink milk;- Prepare tub because you have to wash the child;- Fill the tub with warm water;- Choose a shampoo;- Rinse with warm water;- Choose the most beautiful clothes and accessories;- Mother and child feel great, you are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game.Have fun!
Excellent Head Doctor Games 8.2.1
Mobile Games Media
Penny playing with her friends in a tree inhis backyard and a branch broke and now I have to go to thehospital because it hurt very much and a lot of pain head. In thisgame you have to give him the necessary medical care, and that isto clean them all head and give him the treatment he needed. Firstyou have to extract all the miseries of her head, then the hairwill look to see if there has something. Must apply a layer ofshampoo exactly the path from the root of the thread to help hairgrow faster after this incident. In the second level you have tomow so you could see all the tracks from this blow and it can becleaned very well. After we did this have to wash the head and apat dry to remove all traces of water. We need to do someinjections to not feel that going to do, after that you have to putsome ice on bumps to fall and to not feel that pain infernal. Weneed to clean the whole head then we will help grow their hair backwith some solution. Before we do this we need to look a head withX-ray machine on Penny's head to see if it has a crack, and in thiscase we set them. Then should we implant a few hairs and then applya layer of special oil for the treatment and see how the hair willstart to grow rapidly. Thank you for choosing this game and pleasetry other games for girls in this category to see if you're doingas well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mermaid Body and Care 4.7
Mobile Games Media
Hello, women were always very careful abouthow they look, they make many sacrifices to always look perfect andtoday and you'll have the opportunity to work in a beauty salonwhich is located deep in the ocean. We thought to open a beautysalon here to help all sirens always look wonderful, we thought itis a good idea if they have a place where they can come to relaxand now we need your help making our business succeed. We know thatyou are a responsible and talented child and for these reasons wehave great confidence in you. Your first client is a beautifulmermaid who lives in the reef, it is preparing for a very importantevent and will come to you to get the help she needs. With thismakeup salon game with mermaids you'll be able to prove to everyonethat you can work in a beauty salon and more than that you'll beable to learn many beauty tricks that will be useful in everydaylife. You will become the best friend of ours and every day we meethere through this game for kids.Pay attention to all the details!Success!- Angela and Jolie want to go to a party that takes place in acastle;- The two sisters get permission from their father and begin toprepare;- First you have to prepare a facial;- Clean the skin with exfoliating gel;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Eliminate acne;- Now you have to makeup, apply: contact lenses, mascara,eyeshadow, powder for cheeks and brow pencil;- You have to do manicures and pedicures;- Wash hands with warm water and soap;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Choose the most beautiful models;- You have to do a relaxing massage;- Apply warm oil;- Apply volcanic rocks;- Now you have to identify some seafood;- You'll have to make shoes;- Choose a suitable material;- The most important part is the girls transform into men;- The two girls go to a fairy and it makes a potion that willtransform them;- Now girls may prefer shoes and then they can go to theparty;- The beautiful princesses arrived at the castle;- There will be a wonderful party.Thanks for help, the two girls are very happy and asks you tovisit them every day through this game.Have fun!
Nail design princess games 8.8.2
Mobile Games Media
Hi, it is said that the mirror of thepeopleare the hands but women are always careful with their handsandnails. Card of a woman are beautiful and healthy nails so thatallwomen are striving to care for them very well. Some womenmaketheir own manicure and pedicure while others go to salons.Aqualified person can make perfect manicure and the salon thatseemsto be the best idea. Would you like to have such a salon? Ifyesthen you are a lucky girl because today you can have a salonbeautythrough this girls game. Even if it's your first day here youwillhave a client very important, she is a princess. She wants tohelpher have beautiful hands and nails. Follow all instructions ofthismakeover game and you will surely succeed to thank thebeautifulprincess.Success!1) At the beginning of game princess will come intoyoursalon;2) You can start treatment hands. Apply an exfoliating geltocleanse the skin, then a moisturizer cream and lotion finallytoregenerate.3) After each application you must rinse with warm waterandpat;4) Cut the nails;5) After you cut the nails and now they have a beautiful shapeyouwill have to remove her nail polish with solvent;6) The most beautiful part is when you must choose nail polishandthen you have to do various font models for princess untilshedecides what she wants.7) Princess is very beautiful and has great hands. She willsurelycome to your salon.Thank you for your help, without you today princess did notlookso good. If you want to help out here we waiting for you inthismakeup game for girls.Enjoy!
Farm Mommy Rescue 6.3
Mobile Games Media
Hello, today you can flee into a dreamworld,namely'll be able to go to a farm which is located near thecity.The road is short but what will be charmed by what you meetthere.Surely you love animals and country life is the dream thatyou wishto accomplish. You know a happy family and even you will beable tohelp them with everything they need. Life in the countrysideisvery beautiful, you can plant all your favorite vegetables,canprovide food to animals, you can breathe fresh air and you canevenplay with your friends. We all like to relax in abeautifulenvironment and you will receive this gift today. You haveto packyour bags for today you will embark on an adventure. You'llbe ableto make new friends and even you will be able to prove toall thatyou can be a good farmer.The animals need you and to make everything wonderful you have tobevery attentive to all the instructions of this kids gamewithanimals. This girls game gives you an opportunity to prove toyourfriends that you're a responsible young but the most importantisthat you'll be able to prove that you can be a greatdoctor.For the mission to have a happy ending will have to pay attentiontoevery detail of this game for girls.- At the beginning of the game you will meet ayoungmother;- While having breakfast young mother gets a call;- Her son needs her help;- The young mother goes to his son;- Arriving at the farm noticed that are many things to do;- The first thing you will need to do is to plant afewflowers;- Add water to plant roots;- Flowers are beautiful, you did a great job;- Now you have to chop the wood;- The young mother was hit and now has a hand wound;- You have to help her go to the hospital;- You must disinfect the wound;- Apply an ointment;- Bandage the wound;- Young feels good and you can go home now;- You did a great job.Thank you, you did everything you had to. Please come back everydaythrough this game.Have fun!
Pregnant Mother Newborn Baby 10.2
Mobile Games Media
Hi There. Mary is my sister is pregnant andsowe must have very good care of it and do whatever she wants.Today,I felt not very good so we decided to go to the doctor to seewhatproblems we have. Mary stayed home alone and needs help, but Icannot do this. In this game, you have to be the person who willtakecare of Mary and will do what it will require.1) First you have to stay with her and her daughteracoffee.2) then you need to eat.3) Mary does not feel good so you have to go to hospital.4) there will conduct an inspection and then goes into theoperatingroom.5) after he left the room you have to take the child and take himinthe lounge.6) will you do too a medical examination.7) need to feed this baby.8) ii'll check weight and height.9) you dress your baby as well and you will go to his mother.Thank you for choosing this wonderful game and invite youtochoose and other games for girls in this developer.Have fun!
Pregnant Bride Bathing 10.3
Mobile Games Media
Hello. My friend Lucy is pregnant and youhaveto stay at home a few days. She lives in a beautiful house andveryexpensive and can afford anything, so we decided to make themalittle surprise. In this game, you have to take care of Lucy,tobathe them as beautiful, to make him food and help her to marryherhandsome fiance.1) first you get every gift received for it.2) then it will go in the bathroom.3) help her to wash and then wipe it thoroughly with a towel.4) you're going to apply several layers of cream on the faceforpimples disappear.5) must guesthouse and then to help her dress.6) Now you've come out and help ovei to eat.7) reached her future husband, so that your work has ended.Thank you for choosing this wonderful game and invite youtochoose and other games for girls in this developer throughwhichinterfere please help us daily.Good luck!
Second Birth Baby Games 5.7.9
Mobile Games Media
Hi, what could be more beautiful thanthecoming of a child into this world? Definitely you are agree withusand understand the importance of such an event. Today throughthiskids care game you will be able to offer your help to agoodfriend. She has a small child and will give birth again today.Shehas emotions because she wants to have a healthy andbeautifulbaby. Do you want to help us through this game for girls?If youwant to help us then surely you will be able to prove toeveryonethat you are a very good and responsible child.We trust that you will be able to do everything forourfriend.Your mission will be easy if you will pay attentiontodetails.Follow all instructions of the game with babies.Good luck!- Leslie began to have pain and now she has to gotohospital;- Her daughter Reba will stay home to prepare everything forthebaby;- You need to help her to arrange things of baby;- You need to sit in a basket following things: diapers,blankets,milk powder for babies, clothes and toys;- Now you have to consult Leslie;- You have to check if she has fever;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see how it feels baby;- The child was born;- Need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Now you need to change the diaper;- Give him milk;- Give him a toy;- Decorate the room;- Arrange furniture;- Now you must choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a good friend.Thank you for what you did for us, please come back daily tohelpus through this game.Have fun!
Baby is sick Girls Games 8.5.3
Mobile Games Media
Little Ria stayed alone at home and didn'thaveanyone to play so she got sick. You're the best doctor for itandyou have to call your clinic to treat it. You must do your bestforthis little girl. First he has to measure temperature and playalittle with it to feel much better and not to cry. Then shemustmeasure heart rate and to manage a teaspoon of syrup. We needtocheck the temperature after which he will have to give herateaspoon of syrup and to manage less oxygen. We need toadministeran injection to reduce the cold and then its better toerase anarea where you stung. II need to apply a layer of cream onthe feetand after that you have to remove the remaining traces andyou puta small bandage to not see so much as a hit. We have to waitalittle while and after that we will see that little Ria feelsgoodand is ready to play. Please try other games for girls inthiscategory to see if you can handle as well and this type ofgames.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Teacher Birth - Baby Games 6.8.2
Mobile Games Media
Hi, is a beautiful day, a day of suntodayannouncing that it will happen a wonderful thing. Perhapsyouwonder what will happen today and we'll explain you that todayateacher will be born a girl. This is very nervous and needshelp.We will leave the city and for this reason we want to pleaseyou tobe with her. Do you want to help her meet her daughter? Ifyou feelthat you are a responsible child then please do everythingyou needto make everything wonderful.I'm sure you'll help us and prove to everyone that you havemanyskills.Our friend loves children and is therefore she is pleased thatshewill be mother, therefore please pay attention to the detailsofthe game to care for children.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- Kaylle is a kindergarten teacher, she wants to take careofchildren;- Help her with what she needs;- At first you have to help a student make an animal;- Be careful to unite well the pieces;- Then you have to make a tower of cubes, follows thealphabeticalorder;- The girl wants to play in the pool;- Now young teacher started to have pain;- You have to go to hospital;- You can begin consultation;- You have to check if she has fever;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see how it feels baby;- The child was born;- Need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Now you need to change the diaper;- Give him milk;- Give him a toy;- Decorate the room;- Arrange furniture;- Now you must choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a good friend.Thank you for what you did for us, please come back daily tohelpus through this game.Have fun!
Birthday Cake Decoration Games 8.7.1
Mobile Games Media
In this great game you have to prepare acaketo celebrate your friend's birthday. Should emerge as beautifultoenjoy it and be happy with the gift you gave them. First youmustchoose a tray that has put the cake with different colorsandshades, our liking. Then you must choose which one to usefrosting,vanilla, chocolate, whipped cream, strawberries orbananas. Stillhave to choose a few decorative elements that we putaround thecake to look as nice. Then he must make some designs onthe outsideof the cake, preferably with this shade and flavor thatI used thefrosting to give it a nice color and good taste. Furtherhe mustsprinkle some balls with different colors for the cake lookthatwill fit well with cake frosting and color of your choice.Afteryou have chosen all of the above, we are left to put adecorationon top of the cake, chocolate with pistachio, strawberry,vanilla,or a combination of exotic fruits. Thank you for choosingthis freegame from our categories of games for girls, and we inviteyou tochoose another game who will test your imagination andcreativity.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Pregnant Mom Washing Dishes 11.5
Mobile Games Media
Hi. Mary came to visit her as agirlfrienddecided to eat something at home tonight. After theyfinishedeating, Mary had to go home as soon as possible, so he leftheralone on her printena. Now she needs help to wash dishes. Inthisgame, you have to be the person who will help her wash thedishesthat will give a helping hand to other things.1) eat with your girlfriend, Mary.2) then you have to wait to go home.3) The need to clean the table and go all the vessels tosink.4) Now you choose how you want to wash dishes.5) The need to put all the dishes in the car to put detergentandwait.6) Now you have to put all the dishes to dry.7) must put them in the closet particular dish.8) a plate was broken so you will fix it.9) have to put all the food on the table because you arehungryagain.10) you can decorate the kitchen as you like.Thanks you agreed to help us through this wonderful gameandinvite you to choose and other games for girls inthisdeveloper.Have fun!
Yummy Fruit Pizza Cooking Game 8.8.2
Mobile Games Media
Today you've got a famous pizza chef in townand have to prepare a pizza like no one has seen. You have toprepare a fruit pizza that will look very nice and will be verytasty. In this game you have to prepare this wonderful pizza, soyou have to follow some instructions and some steps to successfullycomplete this mission. You need to go shopping in order to get thebananas, kiwi, strawberries and grapes that will make this pizza.You need to clean and cut into small pieces bananas, kiwi andstrawberries. We have to make pizza dough and a good cream andvanilla cream. Then we need to add pieces of fruit on pizza doughto shape and color, and then have to decorate this wonderful pizzato be as spectacular. Thank you for choosing this game and pleasetry other games for girls to see if you're doing as well as you didbefore.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
ocean spa salon girls games 8.5.1
Mobile Games Media
Today is the day you get an oceanfront spasession. You do not think this has happened before, so it's youronly chance. Are you ready to enjoy this day with Felicia? Firstyou must wash his hair, so you'll comb, I'll cut a bit of peaks,after which she will apply a layer of shampoo along with a waterjet. After you wash your hair, we must do a massage. We need toapply several layers of cream and massage the skin well, then heshould sit back hot and cold stones, and then need to take amassage using herbal that will revitalize your skin. Then we haveto deal with nails Felicia, so must apply a layer of cream on yourhands, then you have to make them manicures, to apply the nailcolor and give him a few models. After I finished this should makethem a pedicure, where we will do the same. We need to wash yourfeet, and apply the color to the nail and to apply severalpatterns. Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseand other games for girls in this developer to see if you're doingas well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
bathing salon girls games 8.2.1
Mobile Games Media
Hello, from ancient times girls wereconcernedwith beauty, all girls want to be the most beautiful..They trieddifferent kinds of beauty regardless of age and theperiod in whichthey lived. Nowadays it has become very easy toachieve beautybecause there are increasingly many beauty salons andwomen knowhow many tricks you can do at home.When they have free time to relax the women prefer to attendtotheir appearance. There are two things that are very easytocombined for example a bath herb with a facial scrub because weallknow that these two are the most relaxing ways.In this game for girls you'll meet a young girl named Adrian whodueto work place does not have time to deal with her appearance.Nowthat you have become her friend she can count on you? do youthinkthat you can help her? If your answer is affirmative then youshouldknow that all you have to do is follow the instructions. Theredarrow is the one that will guide you through the steps. Thegoal isto prepare Adrianne for a party that will take place at oneof herfriends.1) First you will have to help her to make bath. The younggirlis already in the tub and you have to wash her hair, youmustchoose carefully one of the bottles of shampoo and then rinsewellwith warm water. Massage the scalp with special gloves that youmayselect with a single click.2) It is time to relax Adrianne through massage. You willuse:massage oil, exfoliating cream, moisturizer cream forpain,relaxing lotion, strawberry for softness, flowers for apleasantsmell and a massage with volcanic stones withtherapeuticrole.3) Now you need to make sure he takes you a facial. Hereeverythingis simple, the left face you will find everything youneed such as:gel exfoliating cream for dry skin, face mask withstrawberryextract, a toner and eye area you will find a few slicesof fruit.After each application do not forget to wash her face withtheshower.4) Finally after such treatment as that of a star, Adrianneneedsand counsel regarding clothing. It has a few dresses in thecloset,you can choose the one you like more, every dressneedsaccessories.Adrianne is ready to party, we are sure that she will be themostbeautiful and a lot people will compliment her.Thank you for agreeing to help her, without you she would notbeable to prepare, and we invite you to play more good gamesforgirlsHave fun with this makeup game!
School Activities Kids Games 8.7.2
Mobile Games Media
Chloe is having a great school and todaywehave to play and do some activities together. Chloe must eatafterplaying for energy and not hungry. Should dress another outfitandthen go back home. But it can not do this by myself, so inthisgame you have to help the little Chloe to do all theseactivitiesin order to feel better and to like school more. Musthelp to draw,make more arrangements of lego cubes, must help toread and guesssome of the words that are written on the board.After that youhave to feed the little so you have to choose somehealthy food soyou can feed the little girl. You get out in theschool yard andplay with little Chloe to not feel alone and to havea day as goodand as beautiful. Then you must go to school wardrobeand dress asbeautiful and elegant as to be able to go home and tobe able toenjoy the day. Thank you for choosing this game andinvite you tochoose and other games for girls that will test yourskills as muchas they did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play.
Farm Girl Nail Care 13.1
Mobile Games Media
Hi, we are happy that you have chosen toplaywith us. Every day we want to visit us to have fun together.Ifyou're looking for a game that can offer you a wonderful dayrighthere where you are. Today you could go to the farm, you willenjoythe fresh air and you can play with all the animals there. Youwilllove to take care of all the animals, you will love to plantandreap vegetables. Certainly life on the farm is wonderful butyourmission is to help Mary with everything needs also you willhave tohelp her to have the most beautiful nails. This game forgirls isvery nice, here you can test your abilities and can evenprove toeveryone that you are a responsible child who may have ajob. Ifyou would like to work in a beauty salon in the future youcouldhave your own salon. We know that you will do very well withwhatwe prepared through this game with farm life.Follow all instructions of this beauty salon game for girls.Pay attention to all the details of this game for girls.Success!- You will know Mary;- This is very excited that you become her friend;- You would love to spend time with her;- Mary is mowing the grass and watch the nails do not lookverygood;- While this she injured hand;- Disinfect the wound;- Apply a special ointment;- Bandage the wound;- Wash hands with soap and dry hands;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Choose a shape suitable for nails;- Apply nail polish;- Choose the most interesting models for nails;- To beautify hands will have to choose the mostinterestingaccessories and tattoos;- You did a great job;- Nails look great.Thank you for help, please come back every day throughthisgame.Have fun!
Animal Salon Games for Girls 8.2.1
Mobile Games Media
In this game you have to care of someanimalsbecause you're the best vet and only you can fulfill thismission.This game is arranged in four levels where you have to carefor theanimal in different ways. First you have to wash the animal.So weturn on the water and we will apply a layer of shampoothroughoutthe hair then we will give the soap body. After I havewashed hishair was drying to not get sick. Next we will cut nailsand we willtrim the hair where needed. in the second level mustgive him foodand certain plants to feed him. In the next level youhave to playwith this animal so we step outside of the cabinet sowe can dothis. In the last level you have to dress as a showapproaching ourpet animals and wants to participate in thisimportant event. Thankyou for chosen game and invite you to chooseour place and othergames for girls in our class to be able to testyour skills in thistype of game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Nursery Twins Rescue 11.1
Mobile Games Media
Hi, all children go to nursery, heretheyreceive all the care they need and more than that they can playandreally can make friends. Today you will know twins, they likeverymuch to play. They are the most obedient children anddefinitelyyou will can play with them every day through this game.Here theyare alone in the room and an accident occurs, you willhave to playthe role of a very good doctor, you will be the bestdoctor in townand we are sure that you will be able to help us withthis problem.Every day we can play together, we can have funtogether throughthis game for girls. This game gives you theopportunity to makenew friends. Through this nursery twins rescuegame you canpractice for your future like pediatrician. If youfinish this gamecertainly means that in future you will be awonderfuldoctor.Be very attentive to every detail of this nursery game.Follow all instructions of this kids care game.Good luck!- Children are very sick and need medical care;- They should go to the hospital;- Collect pieces of glass;- Now you have to disinfect wounds;- Make a radiography;- Apply an ointment for wounds;- Apply patches;- Check heartbeat;;- You must arrange all utensils;- Children feel well, you did a great job;- Now you must choose the right clothes;- You can also choose sunglasses for children;- To be fashionable you will have to choose the mostinterestingaccessories;- You're a good friend.Thank you for helping, please come back every day throughthisgame.Have fun!
Holiday Baby Care 7.7.2
Mobile Games Media
It's summer. Anya has to go on vacationwithher parents, so she has to make his luggage. She can not dothis bymyself, so I have someone to help folding clothes, and goingto theairport because it is the first time a plane flies. In thisgameyou will help you do all these things Anya. First you have toplaya little with Anya because it will do so very quickly, andshouldbe very happy before leaving on vacation. Then he should sita fewclothes and toys to put them in luggage, not to be bored ontheplane. After he got on the plane, we must do something toeatbecause he was hungry and we must behave with this girl. Wewillgive you a salad, a burger, and some frozen. After Hrant a needtowash. So we will take a quick shower to feel better. She wantstoplay with someone while on vacation, but not who. We have toplaywith it to not get bored and not to cry. Thank you forchoosingthis game and invite you to choose and other games forgirls inthis developer to see if you can handle as well.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
School Teacher Girls Classes 7.3
Mobile Games Media
school teacher girls classes - school games
Wedding Day Hairstyles 3.3
Mobile Games Media
Marriage is a very important step in a couple's life, if thetwodecide to marry means they love a lot, respect and arebestfriends. The proposal in marriage is very beautiful, everygirlwants to go through this moment and any boy has great emotionswhenthe time comes for the big question. Today you will meet acouplewho are preparing for the wedding, this event is importantand theyneed your help. The restaurant has to look impeccable,theinvitations to be ready in time, the menus to be establishedandthe most important is how the two of them will look. Surelythiswedding game is what you need to relax, but also to see how itisthe prepare for such an important event. You will be abletopractice certain abilities and maybe in the future you willbecomean event planner. We have great confidence in you, you willlove tohelp the two to have an unforgettable day. Follow alltheinstructions of this game with brides. - Our girlfriend wantsthemost beautiful wedding; - It decides to plant the flowers alone;-Roses are the favorite flowers; - They will be used for thebridalbouquets and for the restaurant arrangements; - You have tomakethe invitations; - Then you will have to shop; - Young needs:eyeshadow, nail polish, mascara, lipstick and food; - Followthefacial treatment; - Clean face with exfoliating gel; - Rinsewithwarm water; - Clip the eyebrows; - Remove stains and acne; -Applymoisturizing cream; - Wash her hair with dry hair shampoo; -Drieshair; - Apply moisturizing oil; - Cut the damaged tips; -Arrangehair; - You have to do the manicure; - Clean nail polish; -Cutnails; - Choose a beautiful shape; - Apply a colorful nailpolish;- Applying hand cream; - Follow the makeup, apply: contactlenses,mascara, eyelid, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and cheeks; - Sheneedsthe most beautiful wedding dress; - Then you have to choosethejewels; - Shoes must be comfortable; - Decorates the restaurant;-The wedding is very beautiful; - You did a really good job.Thankyou for the help. Have fun!
Girl Secret Love Story 2.1
Mobile Games Media
girl secret love story - love games
Fitness Girls LifeStyle 3.3
Mobile Games Media
Fitness girls lifestyle - games for girls